Lots of exchanges. ZOne Leader and District exchanges, interviews,
plus a night helping out the Eikaiwa in the other area. Elder Reis
didn't come back until Friday morning, and we left for the first one
on Monday night.
But we learned a lot! It was great. Elder Reis has been struggling
with his confidence in talking to strangers on the street, and working
with a Zone Leader helped him to realize how he can show his happiness
and use his personality to talk naturally to people.
Also, we are trying to reach out to younger people, specifically
Japanese high school students, but the problem everybody always
encounters is that between school, clubs, and cram school no high
school student ever has any time to meet! But, working to solve this
we've seen some success in inviting them to short church tours with a
promise of helping their English homework afterwards. I just wish that
our branch had a baptismal font. All the more reason to try our
hardest to qualify for our own building!
So during my interviews I mentioned to President that I've been
concerned about an unexpected rash that has recently developed on my
neck. He suggested that I call the Mission Doctor that night and have
it examined.
On the way down to Ise I made the call, and sent in photos, and then
waited as the Doc diagnosed the issue. Halfway through Eikaiwa the Doc
calls back (and of course I have to take the call, I'm dying to know.
Plus, it's the doctor!).
I'm diseased.
Aaaand we'll leave it there. Thanks for tuning in!
Elder Cardon
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