District Training Meeting (DTM) was really good and I learned a lot
this time. Lots of good quotes shared. The theme was "Faith" and
specifically what faith means to missionaries, like what kinds of
things we should be doing and what qualifies as success. Just a couple
of my favorite ones:
"Faith...is an assurance of the Spirit." --Marcus B. Nash
"Faith...seeks the assurance and courage to move forward." --Elder Anderson
"信行の炎を輝く" (a play on the word 信仰 meaning 'faith')
Aand the new District Goal is to "ASK before [you] DO" or, in other
words, pray for assurance, guidance, confirmation and such before you
go about doing any work, even phone work. It's supposed to elevate our
reliance on God and increase our general spirituality.
There's also a typhoon coming in today called Nora or something. We
only caught a glimpse of it as we were headed to the church. The sea
was roiling! It was awesome.but also I got soaked in only a ten minute
bike ride.
愛しています! [I love you!]
Elder Cardon
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