Mission Address

Japan Nagoya Mission
1-304 Itakadai, Meito-ku
Nagoya, Japan T465-0028

Sunday, August 20, 2017

weekly mission email

From down in Tsu: 

This week has got to be one of the best I've had in my Mission. 

So the Zone Leaders came up with a bunch of goals that change out every week in order for us to focus on the different parts of being a spiritual missionary. This week happened to be 'Boldness.' 

We made rough goals to talk to more people on the street, and set out that very night (Monday) to accomplish them. Just biking around working on our approaches, but by the end of the night we had found a pretty promising young college Japanese guy who showed interest in both a Gospel message and TOEIC English. Got a Set Next Event (SNE) and a phone number from him. The whole thing went so smoothly that I was second-guessing myself and scared that any of that was real. 

The next night we went out again, but it started raining. Nobody is really outside getting caught in the rain, so we tweaked the goal towards housing. Knocking on apartment doors, top floor we found two Philippinos who are in their 20s, came to Japan for work. We kinda wormed our way inside their apartment and ended up teaching them the whole Restoration lesson. Promised to come back with Tagalog BOMs on Thurs because they don't really understand any English. 

And so we had follow-up appointments with each of them on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. 
It also helps that we have a companionship goal to teach in unity, which equals 50/50 teaching time. It's hard to sit back and have Elder Reis lead discussions at times because he is so straightforward and blunt about everything, but everything was saved in the end and all the lessons turned out really spiritual. Some of the best lessons I've had since the MTC, actually. 

It all boils down to Sunday, where we had our second SNE within the week for each of them. The Phillipinos promised to come to church, and we would teach the Japanese guy later that night. 

Well, at all these lessons we worked towards teaching in the light of baptism, being straight with our purpose and promising blessings for an act of faith. Again, alongside the members we had incredibly powerful lessons, and particularly the Phillipino man felt impressed that he needed to follow this. It was such a testimony builder to see this in hindsight and the miracles God provided for us. 
They haven't committed to a date yet, but I feel that each of them have great potential. 

This whole week was like the Lord had held up on the blessings of the entire transfer and suddenly decided to shower our heads with them. Many miracles besides this story, and we can see leaps of progress in the Tsu situation as it continues in its quest towards becoming a ward. So glad to be a part of all this, I'm loving the work down here. 
Thanks for reading. 


Elder Cardon 

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