My adventure in Japan as a missionary lasted two years, August 2016–2018. I’ll fly home tomorrow with more stories for souvenirs than fits in a suitcase! I’ll give an official talk about the experience on August 26th, at my local church, with lots of celebrations and opportunities to talk afterwards. I’d love to catch up with you again! See you soon.
Mission Address
Japan Nagoya Mission
1-304 Itakadai, Meito-ku
Nagoya, Japan T465-0028
Monday, August 6, 2018
Sunday, August 5, 2018
weekly email
Honestly, my initial idea of a mission did not turn out to be what my mission actually was. It was adventurous. The culture shock may have been overwhelming.
—I Had a taste of spiritualness before coming out to Japan but it was baby bites, spoon fed. It was like melting a chocolate on your tongue and savoring the taste but then the taste is gone and you’re left unsatisfied. So, lesson learned: I needed another chocolate. Then I found the fountain.
A lot of people are the same. They are being spoon fed baby bites but hardly know it. I helped them to open their eyes a little bit more :p
Japan was an adventure. But, neither the sushi nor the onigiri lasted long. The cultural aspects were great, but 24/7 you can't experience fun Japanese famous things. I learned the daily life. I learned that It’s about people, not places or things.
It’s less about what you serve than how you serve. I kept being served humble pie until I learned that. Haha sometimes I got tired of pie flavor. But also There are many ways to serve. But just serve. We are called to serve.
It’s never about yourself. You’ll lose yourself if you're self centered. You must step out and reach out.
Christ was the exemplar. He has provided the perfect way. Many people are shy to commit to it, but they end up coming shy of their perfection. Christ supports us in every moment, even unwanted or undiscerned. He has a perfect love. There is no fathoming his love.
God provides. I realize how many people's lives I’ve become a piece of, and vice versa.. even that one grandma whom I said hello to this morning. What a sweet lady.
Every good thing comes from God.
God is the essence of good itself.
Trust God.
He always provides.
See you in a bit.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
weekly email
I don’t know why, if the Lord wanted to bless me extra special at this moment or it’s a final lesson to me, but this transfer we’ve been blessed to teach four families of father, mother, and children. It’s written all over the PMG that we should concentrate efforts on finding families, but I always thought it was a rare and hard thing to find in Japan. Truly the Gospel is all about families.
Recently in personal studies I came across a talk by a President Nelson in which he said:
“...the kingdom of God is governed by the authority of the priesthood. It is not conferred for honor, but for a ministry of service. Priesthood titles are not created by man; neither are they for adornment, nor do they express mastership. They denote appointment to service in the work of the Lord.
“...If you honor it, and prepare for and are worthy of a call to be a missionary, I promise: You will then “speak in the name of God the Lord” and bring His light to searching souls. To them you will be as a ministering angel, remembered with love forever. (See D&C 13.)”
I am glad to see some of this fulfilled in my own mission. I have worked hard and learned how to work harder. Everywhere, I see that the Lord has guided me line upon line with impeccable timing.

On an exchange, we dropped by a Hawaiian cafe and it turned out to be a plush Mom's cafe, but it was worth it.
Elder Cardon
We also somehow got a booth in a huge festival last weekend. News of a typhoon crashed the party early (the typhoon never actually hit us) but it was a blast! The booth right next to us was run by high schoolers for fundraising!

On an exchange, we dropped by a Hawaiian cafe and it turned out to be a plush Mom's cafe, but it was worth it.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
weekly letter
My little brother Jacob is receiving the baton, he’ll be going to Japan for his mission almost as soon as I get home!

It was absolutely crazy last week. A guy we talked to at the door said he wanted to be baptized. A father invited us back into his home to share a message to his family the next day. A random service opportunity led us to talk English to a ton of Japanese kids! My companion is getting better at cooking!! I was stuffed full of spirit, ごちそうさまでした。
I can’t believe it. President Nelson has some really good Conference talks. Loving it out here.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
weekly email
I’ve turned into a melting pot. There was a time in my mission a certain elder had it really hard and I wondered, “what’s his problem?” But now the tables have turned and I’m in his position.
I thought before that my companion was a melting pot because nobody can pin where he’s from or what he is. Haha
A comforting talk I read described this experience as Mind Over Matter, or else Spirit Over Body. It’s President Nelson speaking in Oct.1985. “Part of each test is to determine if your body can become mastered by the spirit that dwells within it.”
Our Zone Conference with the new President was one of the most spiritual conferences of my mission. There were Many things I definitely needed to hear, and sometimes I learned from the very things I was saying—so that’s a good indicator that the Spirit was there!
I continue to have a lot of cool experiences like meeting a full-Japanese lady who-s Muslim and her wonderful family who never before thought to do things like Family History.
Also, a professional painter who knows more details about the small moments of the bombing of Pearl Harbor than I would wager most of the sailors even knew; he liked the story of the Hawaiian Temple and called back saying that he was deeply impressed by it and wanted to capture the moment in paint. Excited to see how that goes.
Sunday, July 8, 2018
weekly mission email
It’s unbelievable how blessed Ichinomiya is. I’m Getting to see the long term blessings.
A nice man opened his door and talked about his life involving churches while holding a big fluffy bunny. He had taken bible study sessions before, following a serious accident that caused him to reflect more about God. He expressed that all churches are basically the same, but we had so much more to tell him than he realized.
Noah Ark part 2
Basically a typhoon passed by without the serious winds. It rained dogs. We were extremely blessed by God to go out with good timing—worked in the morning, and returned home right when a thundercloud passed in the afternoon; went back out late afternoon, and it cleared up a little until nighttime when we were heading back, but at that point it didn’t matter too much.
There was one point, the streets were flooding and they looked more like flowing rivers than roads, and as we were biking we missed the potholes and such that we normally avoid, so sometimes I would see my companion unexpectedly dip for a second, his bike become half immersed because the water-level was up to our thighs and our plastic rain suits could do no good in keeping us dry from that.
Way back when, I remember finding a golden investigator who I felt would be baptized. However, we had to stop teaching her because we could never seem to get a solid appointment and subsequently never could follow up with her. We referred her to the Sisters, but they had no better luck than us.
Last night, we dropped by on a whim and she was home again. Actually, we caught really good timing as both her daughter and brother were also home, so we could step inside to talk with them a bit. Turns out, she had had some questions about Mormons that held her back from investigating further because she wasn’t sure what type of people we really were. But life changes with time and I feel that she’s ready to learn more again.
Real brownies and the extra interview
So we had a small conference to get to know the new Mission President Judd. He honestly reminds me a lot of a companion I had about a year ago. Likes to tell stories, a bit dramatic but always pulls something you can learn from it, and always bears his testimony in his experiences. His wife is very sweet and as motherly as they come.
Sunday, July 1, 2018
weekly email
Life lesson: Confidence is an indicator of faith.
Elder Moraes is actually called Elder Inagaki. His backstory is way confusing and I’ll spare you the details. Basically, he was born in Canada, raised part-time there, his mother is Japanese and his grandparents Jewish—but his dad grew up in England. His Secondary education was all in Brasil, in a Toyko-type big city named São Paulo. There are levels of streets (like a tunnel road underneath the upper road) there, it’s intense something you would see in doctor who.
Man, I’m flipped completely upside down with the way Elder Inagaki works compared to my last companion. It’s been a hard adjustment. We need totally different goals, but we always need goals. We’re gonna work hard in a different way. The focus this transfer will be on confidence, not language.
My mission president just changed, but I have no idea who the new guy is or what he’s like. I’m Excited and nervous about the things and changes that might happen this transfer. My final interview will be with a guy who probably understands my situation in America better and can give more applicable advice, but it will be from a stranger. Ah, well, it was God's timing. I’ll see him for the first time this Thursday.
new mission president
On July 1, 2018 the Japan Nagoya mission gets a new mission president. (It will also be Paul's last transfer before coming home.) Meet President Judd:
Ronald Mark Judd, 54, and Teresa Davis Judd, five children, Northridge Ward,
Sandy Utah Crescent Stake: Japan Nagoya Mission, succeeding President Tetsuji
Ishii and Sister Fumie Ishii. Brother Judd is a former stake president, mission
presidency counselor, bishop, stake and ward Young Men president, and
missionary in the Japan Tokyo North Mission. Born in Salt Lake City to James
Sevy Judd and Ada JoAnn Alexander Judd.
Sister Judd is a former ward Relief Society president, stake and
ward Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor, and
seminary teacher. Born in Granger, Utah, to Robert John Davis and Marilyn Hiatt
Sunday, June 24, 2018
weekly email: Alda and Airy
Elder Canuto is transferring. My wish to stay in Ichinomiya until the end of my mission came true. The member missionary work here is incredible and I should’ve planted those carrots sooner. I Definitely feel the responsibility and trust that was given me to be put in such a model area.
Elder Canuto and I saw miracles here. The biggest ones went all the way to baptism. After our first month, my friend Elder Reis (who was serving in 犬山 next door) sent us an address to check out. One night when our investigator didn’t answer the door (and we ended up dropping them), we only had 1 hr left, it takes 30 to get home and 20 to visit the address but we went for it.
Hahaha the lady recognized us as the Mormons, we went inside and had a great lesson that went way overtime. They came to church that Sunday. The next week, we referred them to the Sisters. Over the next two weeks, they came to church consecutively but for some reason the lessons weren’t moving forward.
Then the WML went all out as he set up for a baptism in two weeks. There was daily contact, and like three lessons a week. Some sicknesses and unexpected events made it look sketchy, but it was ok because Alda and Airy sucked in the lessons like fish breathe water. Alda quit smoking. Airy threw out her huge immodest wardrobe. They read the BOM and shared passages that moved them, confirming the truth.
The baptismal Service on June 24th was so sweet. I don’t know how but I baptized Alda and Elder Canuto Airy. A surprise gift to Alda came, a video of several cousins she hadn’t seen or had contact with for 30 years congratulating her. Alda broke down, her husband (who came special to see the baptism) broke down, everybody tearing up and the the Spirit we had all been feeling went overflow.
The details are incredible and truly witness that God has his hand in the minutos, loves each of his children and provides a way for them.
Monday, June 18, 2018
weekly email
I had an interview with President Ishii for a short-term temple recommend, and afterward he asked me what I’ve learned on my mission over two years.
In a nutshell, Genki + Obedience = miracles.
When we are obedient we bind the Lord to our side, and then he will direct our paths and provide.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
weekly mission email
Elder Canuto is taking charge of our Dendou this week and it’s really insightful to see how much he has progressed, how much he was relying on me, and what’s still missing in his training before he can train on his own. Most of the problems are restricted to Japanese, though, so that’s good because we use Japanese for everything. But a solid week, and we saw a miracle when several less actives we’ve been working with for forever actually come to church on Sunday.
General Conference April 2002 Elder Scott “Full Conversion Brings Happiness” recommend, it was interesting to reflect and see what kind of conversion I've gone through on my mission. How much I struggled to always remember baptism and Christ, and to put enough faith in every moment as I call out to a stranger on the street. But, there’s still a lot more left if my conversion is ever going to be “continuous.” I feel that that's one of the biggest struggles I’ve fought against. Elder Scott succinctly summarized what my mission has been like.
Elder Cardon
Sunday, June 3, 2018
weekly mission email
What is Family History?
Most people think that it’s for old people and mostly involves looking up old records.
If you don’t know your immediate family, you haven’t done family history. If your records are complete and don’t look like they’ll go anywhere soon, maybe the best family History you can do is asking about your living relatives and their immediate connection s. A good family History is also just knowing the difference between each great-grandparent, their stories, and their legacies. Certainly, when we know these people they will play a larger part in influencing, guiding, and supporting our lives as spirit angels.
We’ve learned so much about the huge role family history plays in missionary work recently. “The field is white, already to harvest.” Are you going about working without reaping off the work of your predecessors, and their planting? I bet the field is much whiter in the Spirit world than it is on Earth right now, but we often ignore it.
D&C 43:16 is a PMG quote directly linked to Family History.
You can never run out of questions to ask about the family. It’s the greatest social unit of Time.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
weekly mission email
I remember a lesson I taught one Sunday about a year ago.
There are three pillars to the Plan of Salvation, and the Atonement is one of them. I’ll spare the details, but if you read 3 NE 28:11 it says:
11 And the Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and me; and the Father giveth the Holy Ghost unto the children of men, because of me.
Everyone mentions how much the Spirit does the work, that really we can only be the tools through which the Spirit will truly accomplish the Lord's will. How can we gain the Spirit if we do not use the Atonement? I would wager that every time you feel the Spirit, it is because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
An infinity symbol touches at a single, threadbare point before continuing on and on in endless loops. What does this say for our time now? How much more can we use our time for others?
Ah, there might be one last thing. Just a shoutout to Bishop Foley, thanks for having us (priests) go take the sacrament to shut-ins of the ward. Love them. This transfer the mission is emphasizing using family history, and while we haven’t found a solid investigator from it yet we’ve certainly made some grandmas' days by listening and trading stories about ancestors for a while. We talked like 30 min to a grandma last night before we could slip out and come home before curfew. It was nostalgic for a moment. It made me want to go visit old folks' homes every week and just talk with people (potential college service activity when I get back). Bishop Foley made me feel the Spirit of Elijah before I ever even understood what the regular Spirit is.
Monday, May 21, 2018
weekly letter
Some notes
Use your talents. Elder Canuto saw a man walking down the street with a bare guitar, asked to play the guitar, and the guy is very chill and lets him. Other people for talents mostly are investigators who are interested in learning from my deteriorating English. Use your weakness, too, to get appointments with members for improving broken Japanese. Always.
We’re Working with a part member less active family. The kid is preparing for baptism at age 8 and the mom and grandma are the strongest less active members you’ve ever met. They just don’t want to force the kid into baptism, so it’s all very hands free and see how much the kid likes it.
We Referred our referral to the Sisters, and those referrals came to church and strengthened full members more than themselves because translating services between Japanese and Portuguese. The referrals are super solid and are more active in church activities than most members.
Elder Cardon
Monday, May 14, 2018
some stories from Paul
I purged the apartment as my last comp was packing and prepping to transfer. No trash behind, not a lick. It was going to be perfect for the Bean coming in. We moved the study desks into the other room (not the kitchen), finally, and I felt ready.
At Trainers training , we sang as the beans walked in, then sat down and waited as names were read and we were paired off to sit down again. My comp was tall, with blue glasses. Cool. In the Testimony meeting that ended the training before we left, every Bean was asked to bear testimony. My Bean went (last) he was SO shy. Like, I was wondering what problem he had, how much extra I would need to love this it into the work. But he got up and gave the most profound, most loving, heartfelt, spiritual testimony simply. That’s the type my comp is. I need a lot of patience, encouraging, and creating opportunities for him.
Since the last transfer, it’s been miracles. We are Guided to Investigators. They are Flowing to us. Elder Canuto is only restrained by language; but he goes fire 🔥.
One example: the first Sunday, we were invited to give a Message after a Member meal appointment. We talked about the sacrament, I mostly explaining as we went through the game, video, and scripture. Then, I turned to Elder Canuto and he was sitting on the floor, watching me with all the kids like he wasn’t part of the message. No, no, I wouldn’t have, and pulled him up to bear testimony. He turned to me begging and asking that I would forgive him, let him do it next time he promised. Haha no, I had him do it there and even though the Japanese is super broken, the Message comes across and the spirit filled the room. The only time Elder Canuto has ever said that he hated me was after that event.
I’ve been adjusting to his Portuguese way of thinking into Japanese, not English into Japanese, so it’s been difficult to understand most every time he tries something new. Just ..I never thought about trying to put that word into Japanese before. Wow.
Elder Canuto isn’t shy. He’s the boldest, most straightforward and pure missionary I know; he's never not thinking about the investigators.
We had Exchanges training with the District Leader, and it came down to street contacting in front of a busy station. Elder Canuto was the most engaged in the work, despite his restrictions. The DL asked why Elder Canuto loves to talk to people to much, why he can Open His Mouth when he has such a handicap, and Elder Canuto replied! “I Love to bear testimony.” I think that's great, it’s the only thing we need. If you become a missionary, love your testimony. Love to share it. If you don’t like it, like it.
Haha but sometimes the love comes off in weird ways. He's always thinking about the investigators, right? Well, sometimes it’s strange the ideas he has to help them. One of our first lessons, the investigator was struggling with sincere prayer, and it was so cheesy but Elder Canuto insistes that we make sandwiches in front of the investigator and explain the “prayer sandwich.” I’ve never used the “prayer sandwich” before in my life, but whatever. It was love. But, the investigator happened to have a bad stomach that day and couldn’t eat the sandwich anyway.
We are always eating sandwiches. We are eating economically, and if we have a day trip to the other side of the area (or mission), we are Packing sandwiches. We Live sandwich .
We are Adjusting Lang Study for Elder Canuto's needs, rising earlier so that we can take extra time later for Japanese Study. We keep a tight schedule.
You can probably find a funny story or two from my weeklies, no more time. Thanks!
Elder Cardon
Sunday, May 6, 2018
weekly mission email
The updates on my missionary life:
I heard a dirty joke for the first time in about a year and it honestly shocked me. Like, I was not ready for the emotional punch. I had never thought about how separated I am from the world right now, but after that I’m starting to think I’m not ready to go back. I can just be a missionary forever.
Training is the best thing ever and we are blessed beyond compare. We held a special fast to help investigators actually come to church, and then within 24 hours two of our most promising investigators were there!
I had thought about settling down for the last stretch—after adjusting to Trainer life, I can just work like this for the last three months. But no, responsibilities are only increasing and I’ve been called District Leader again. This time I want to do it right. The transfers with Elder Magalhães were only a small respite!
We were also called in to Nagoya to give a presentation to the new Trainers on successful companion relationships. Good timing, I don’t think I’ve ever had a better one!
Last week, we were insanely busy not necessarily because we have a ton of appointments, but more because the travel time between each appointment is huge. About an hour bike ride between each one, and the way the trains are set up doesn’t make taking trains any faster.
It was way cool to go to the Nagoya Stake Sports Festival two years in a row. This time, we had an investigator go with us. I spent forever running between wards because I’ve only ever served in this Stake and now needed to talk to everyone there. Even some people whom I’ve forgotten are recognizing me.
Quote from Elder Canuto from several weeks back: (situation- the sisters gave us their surplus loaf of bread)
“You are an ..Angel, Sister!” (English is slow, sometimes) “We were eating cereals with water!!”
Yeah, we gave the District Leader his drink option of Hot Water or Cold Water, only to check the fridge and see that there was no more water left in the Cold Water pitcher!
Sunday, April 29, 2018
weekly email
The biggest tech problem I’ve encountered on the mission was over a printer. We desperately needed to print children's coloring pages for an ADHD kid investigator and the printer wasn’t working! Who knew what stress this could cause.
The District Leader came for exchanges and was morally disappointed to see that our shelves only stored healthy foods and were currently out of stock. We’ve been eating these fish sausages that a member gave to us in bulk a month ago and then topping it with fresh lettuce leaves. Haha I’ve had some low points in my mission pantry before, but this may have been one of the worst.
But exact obedience is the price, and we follow that to the T. (If there was one..)
I didn’t think I would have to pull out my marching band know-how ever again in my lifetime, but then somebody showed up to game night with a Euphonium and blasted the speakers away. But, it was actually really cool and this guy is the Japan professional.
We had a guy come to Eikaiwa last month who started taking the lessons, and then started bringing his 8 yr old son, and now is bringing his 14 yr old son, too. Slowly we are collecting the family!
Speaking of which, a different potential investigator is the same: we found the Dad first, then on a follow up much later met the son and he became a new investigator, and then just last week on a follow up appointment with the son we actually met the Mom, instead, and now we have an appointment with her. The Lord works one by one, but also the most important unit is the family!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
weekly email
Not sure what to write this week.
The guy we stopped on the street and invited to Hygge last week actually came. This week, he brought three more friends! I hope the chain reaction keeps spreading. It’s good to be back in the games for an hour each week.
We felt huge promptings on Saturday to revisit an investigator after we had just left with no answer, and then suddenly she was home and we could teach a lesson about baptism.
That night, we also decided to visit an investigator even though we only had 20 minutes left until curfew. Turns out, the investigator's mother passed away that day, and he needed a lot of comforting.
The District Leader gave special hands-on training for finding, and we had huge success contacting at the station. We all took away something like the importance of loving to bear testimony and showing huge love for everyone individually. We met a lot of cool people .
My companion is fire.
I went to Stake Conference on Sunday and had the best time catching up on basically my entire mission life because I’ve only served in this Stake. So many good people.
My interview with President Ishii was short because there wasn’t much to report this time. He approves of our efforts and doesn’t have much more in advice. We are certainly trying our hardest. There’s a lot of people to keep in contact with, and it’s spreading.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
weekly email
Forgive the short email but fun fact, President/Sister Ishii are the oldest Mission Presidents in the world. They visited our ward last Sunday and sat talking with the youth for a long time. I love them so much. It’s incredible to hear their experiences.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Sunday, April 1, 2018
weekly mission email
The Sakura bloomed early this year, it started last week and was over before we could hardly take pictures.
I had exchanges with Elder Wesemann, my MTC companion. We were spoiled.
Another day, three lessons with Recent Converts were canceled last second. We used the extra time to go out a ways and follow up with a man we found several weeks ago. He opened the door and instantly let us in. We taught a lesson, answered his questions, made commitments and such. He’s a guy with a cool backstory—when he was young, he made a miraculous recovery from paralysis.
There was a special Brazilian Party to strengthen each of the foreign members. Everyone talked about the unique dishes, laughed throughout the strange games, and loved the exotic dance. Quite the refreshing evening. My companion also contributed by making Brigadeiro, which is basically Tootsie Roll balls with sprinkles.
Elder Magalhães received a transfer call to the other side of the mission, in a branch full of foreigners. He’ll be serving with his friend from before the mission, lucky.
I’ve been called as a trainer!
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