Naturally, it is our job to check it out and see if it's the real
deal. I checked the map beforehand and was relieved to see that it
wasn't further than 20 min away by bike. We go, search the area, and
couldn't find it. Checking google maps, we were on the wrong major
road, but the next one wasn't more than a 30 min bike ride. Alright,
we got this. We go, I get all confuzled by the map and we get lost for
a bit but that's OK because eventually we found it--after another hour
of biking up and down hills. Finally, we've arrived and we're
starved--only to find that the restaurant was taking a short lunch
break and wouldn't open for another hour or two. Aahhh... are
restaurants allowed to take lunch breaks? Aaahhhh.... man. Elder
Miyaki got a little upset about having exerted all that energy for
nothing. ...we didn't eat lunch that day.
Elder Miyaki received an unexpected package on Wednesday. There were
four boxes taped together and shipped as a single box, and in every
single one of these boxes were Christmas presents mailed to him from
his ward. So many presents! Too bad we don't have a Christmas tree to
put them all under. It would make the apartment a lot more festive.
We had Eikaiwa on Wednesday night as we have every Wednesday night,
right? Well, in the last couple weeks it's been floundering a little,
with only one person showing up a couple weeks ago. Then, all of the
sudden it boomed and we had eight people show up! The first one who
showed up was a junior high student we've been wanting to meet for
forever! However, it was a rough lesson because we had so many
different levels of English that were present, from
only-knows-a-couple-words to practically fluent. So we started off
easy and ended up difficult. I hope I didn't fry the poor junior high
kid's brain at the end and make him never want to come back! It may
have been a little too advanced there. Oops.
I had an actual American dinner, conversation, and lesson with the
Carter's (members) and I'm not gonna lie--it was awesome. Look at this
ice cream Sunday; it even has strawberries. ^0^
the Spirit was strong as we taught our lesson and blessed their house. Elder Miyaki probably
had a hard time because they don't speak a lick of Japanese haha.
Brother Carter plays foreign basketball and so came to Japan Fall of
2016. Before he was in the Netherlands, Cyprus, France, and Austria
for a season each. Good members who come to take the sacrament even if
on a tight schedule due to games.
I learned that it's hard to teach English to Japanese baachans over
food because they get comfortable and just want to talk -- ganbaru ing
in English is too hard and takes too long. But I did pick up a lot of
interesting words from that conversation; things like starvation,
violence, fraud, marriage breakup, and diabetes.
Transfer calls came in Saturday morning. ...I'm not transferring.
Neither is Elder Miyaki.
We'll be here until February together!
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